What state celebrates Lee-Jackson Day?

Correct answer: Virginia

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
GrandmaTanya, History is why it even came about. We learn, we grow, we become better beings...not all do, unfortunately, but we who do strive, ever so greatly, to continue teaching in the hopes that one day we will all see one another equally and treat each other as such.
Wendell Thomas, you are aware that there were also Black slave owners and Native American slave owners in the US? Scottish/Irish slaves and Native American slaves? The African slaves were first enslaved in Africa by their own people. it was big business . The majority went to South America and the Caribbean Islands.
Wendell Thomas, and white people enslaved white people. Black people inslaved Black people. its a human problem not a ''white'' problem. By trying to villianize an entire race of people, makes YOU A RACIST. GET IT???
Player #16882294
Player #16882294
Player #SSG SAM, That's right. Erasing history (any history) robs the next generations of how things were. And whether they were right or wrong, that's the way they were.
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
It was the only answer that made sense.
Player #14706931
Player #14706931
steelworker1957, we all need to know we all come from messy messy stuff ok no matter the tone on the vessel. the Indians fought Indians the Europeans fought Europeans, Asians fought asians. history has taught us it's not what goes into a man that defiled it's what comes out. guard your heart with do dilegence
dunjarmos, I'm sure it does. that's why they're removing all the southern statues and Daisy Duke flags. So tragic to destroy history. A lot of people don't even believe the Halocost happened until or if they visit those death camps. Big mistake to take our kids memories away before they see them. just a thought.
I've lived in Virginia my entire life & I've never heard of this day.
Player #5602826
Player #5602826
dunjarmos, it's not always about slavery. I myself have a problem with the fact that we deify men who broke their oaths to the United States Government and committed treason. The only argument against that is "well, they thought they were doing the right thing." So did many Nazi's. That means we pity them at most for being on the wrong side of history, not celebrate them.
One thing I don't like about this game is I feel like it has a lot of baiting questions. I'll just cringe when I see one, like this, and know that the comment section is gonna be ugly. Then again, people argue about EVERYTHING these days so it's kind of hard not tonnn.
Player #135873045
Player #135873045
these men were criminals
Player #5602826, I like your comment. I find it sad that some of our leaders are more "politicians" than "statesmen." Maybe I'm too idealistic.
Player #16882294, This is what the Libs are trying to do😡
ScarySpecialist34557, I say the same thing! If you erase it how will people ever know there was a mistake made!
I am so 😌😌 relieved to read here that SOME people know that slavery was actually created and invented by other blacks against blacks in Africa - it didn't just mysteriously appear and start happening with whites doing this to people of color in the South !! Slavery is an ancient practice started by Egyptians against Jews. The woke garbage is frying people's brains !!
Player #118060115
Player #118060115
I think they need to let people know that live in Virginia like me
Montana Lady, Virginia no longer observes day
People create these questions through the companion app Quiz Creator. The questions can be incorrectly worded or geared to stir up strife. Sometimes there are mistakes in the explanation. I wish more people would submit questions because we all have seen the same ones over and over. You have to pose a question that someone else hasn't asked. You get to supply a picture, hopefully that won't give away the answer. You have to supply a link to a url associated with the subject. It's not easy. Can you do it?
LilRed Firefly, that museum is located in Richmond Va
Player #23407173, even chattel slavery goes back to Greek and Roman times. The English colonies didn’t suddenly create it. Like most things it evolved. And like it or not EVERYONE even now still participates in the slave trade
cocoa, lived here most of my life as well. Still do. I remember it being on the calendar but don’t recall ever “celebrating “ it or time off from school.
Player #5602826, It is absolutely ridiculous how far down I had to scroll to get to this comment. Thank you!!
RottieMom1023, I guess it depends where in Virginia you lived. I've been here since 2015 and it was celebrated where I live up until at least that year. I was very confused when I saw it on my son's school calendar. Disappeared shortly after that.
doreybluefish, exactly right!!! Wish more ppl had the courage to say it out loud. This society is going in the wrong direction.
steelworker1957, nice to hear someone say it out loud. Kudos!!
Player14706931 I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment and conclusion for all WHO seek the truth about the outcome of having this Holiday celebration in lieu of Martin Luther King do your due diligence PEOPLE!! Realize that if you don’t begin to peel back the ONION of racism layer by layer whether it be white black African vs African The truth has to be shared HONESTLY don’t OMIT anything
It is a shame people feel like, if they remove reminders of history they change things for the better. I know good people of all races, unfortunately I also know bad people of all races. But I respect history as history to learn from and grow.
Stonewall Jackson headquarters is in my hometown of Winchester Virginia
I've lived in VA for 15 years and never heard of this before
I live in Fredericksburg, VA which is the area referred to in this question and have for 20 years. I've never heard of this "holiday". I have no problem getting rid of statues which are monuments meant to celebrate great legacies. if you want your children to remember history then I suggest taking them on the battlefield tours which do nothing but tell the history of the battles and many times how it affected the civilians living in the area. these can be done by car and trail. check out the tours at Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, wilderness, and chancellor battlefields if you want to teach about the past. these generals are mentioned accurately without being glorified.
cocoa, I've lived in Fredericksburg, VA which is exactly where they're talking about and I've never heard of this as a holiday.
This holiday was eliminated in 2020.
Player Old Tymer, True. Please see my comment...
Granted, I do not support the Confederacy, but they were great Generals and should be respected as such. Same with Rommel (the Desert Fox.) He might have fought for Germany, but he never joined the Nazi party...
Player #38470590
Player #38470590
Except Northam took it away
Player #11511305
Player #11511305
Player #23407173, what???? slavery is slavery ... if there is a difference please explain ...
Elaine McPherson
Elaine McPherson
And in the last Presidency of Obama, these and other Monuments,Statues,and Graves,were removed. instead of learning from the past, it is being destroyed. So, Hurrah for America, as the populous is doomed to repeat it.
Player #27933166
Player #27933166
Lincoln felt that slavery was evil. unfortunately the civil war began as states rights, and not to stop slavery.
I've lived in va for 40 yrs & i never heard of this. its not celebrated where i live in va beach
I live in VA and have never heard of this.