Which ant forms the largest colony?

Correct answer: Argentine ants

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Republic of China
Republic of China
Cilla Ann!!, Just guess which one is the correct option lol. Improve your guessing
kwizical, reading comprehension is so important. read the question slowly once again and I believe that you will have a greater understanding of the point of the question.
Cilla Ann!! ~ I believe that if you try the 50/50 you will have a better chance of getting a correct answer. it cost less coins.
kwizical, similar DNA
Cilla Ann!!
Cilla Ann!!
I spend the highest coins giving the majority vote and this is the second time it’s gave me the wrong answer if I woulda known that I coulda got the answer wrong all by myself and saved my coins you all are wrong for that!
Player #3798905
Player #3798905
how can they be considered one colony if they are on different continents separated