How old was Ronald Reagan when elected President of the US?
Correct answer: 69

Player Meyer
Ended the Cold War and the Berlin Wall came down

Player Say what!?
As with all presidents he had his good AND his bad moments, however he made Americans proud to be Americans.

Player #4586042
Best president ever!

My favorite President to have served under.

Elected in 1980, over his 8 years in office, he reduced the tax rate from 73% to 28% on incomes over just $29,750, effectively squeezing the middle class. His corporate tax cut was supposed to help via "trickle down" (better pay for everyone) but as we now know greedy CEOs kept the money.

He was my Commander In Chief. I am honored to have served under him

Player #4250921
MathematicalDragon11, Are you talking about age? Trump was older than Reagan by a year when elected president

Player #8830801, wrong