How did Adolf Hitler commit suicide?
Correct answer: Shot himself with pistol

Player #109668975
If he had done that sooner a lot of lives could have been saved.

sadly, putin is doing the same as Hitler when he annexed Poland. putin must be stopped or we have Hitler all over again.

ugly soul of a creature

Wannabe Vulcan
Too quick and easy a death for that one.

I would hope that every high school would teach this, we will never allow what he did to happen again.

Mel, don't forget the worst of these 20th century monsters, Mao who killed more people than Hitler and Stalin together.

he did both, he took cyanide then he shot himself

I agree with the first player. Hitler was a monster, so was StalinThe only one worse was Genghis Khan..

Vlad the Impaler was a shocking monster as well.

Mel, Do we really know the truth? was there evidence besides those so called witnesses.

There are five surviving members of Hitler's family, two of whom live in the US. They are descendants of his nieces and nephews. All five of them (3 men, 2 women) remained childless. They made this sacrifice to end the family line once and for all.

dontyou dare to forget about karl mainhem he was the main offer in the gistabo

Who wants to be my friend?

nele, I agreed

He did take over almost whole europe


tree lover
he was an evil man

Saint Wolf
technically it's not exactly correct, as it was the soviets who said that Hitler committed suicide by gunshot, there are many theories about his death, so this question is not fully correct.

Quartermain, only with bigger and more powerful weapons!!!

May we never pass through a situation that will make us to commit suicide,,!

Player #143494585
He is good from negative point of view merely

Ad and Nad
he fled to Argentina, it was a body double that was left.

Rachel, yes indeed, some would say that's who the first Dracula was!

Quartermain, you mean Ukraine, and 10 years ago wasn't it Georgia?, not Poland though

For certain people of our planet, it’s too bad they didn’t pick suicide before they started all the fuss in’ and a feud in’.

Souljah Gal
GlamGenie, There are millions of UGLY Unfortunately

Souljah Gal
Quartermain, Hitler never killed a living soul and nor has Putin so what's your point

World war 3 will begin bcuz of Israel vs Palestine

Hitler's very cruel to his neighboring countries.

Artie, yes po

Mel, Mao was worse, in numbers, than Hitler and Stalin. Every Socialist "revolution" costs tens of millions of lives so the people can then live in slavery.