At what temperature in degrees are Centigrade and Fahrenheit equal?
Correct answer: -40 degrees

This way seems simpler to me.
(-40)F - 32 = (-72)
(-72) / 9 = (-8)
(-8) x 5 = (-40)C
(-40)C x 9 = (-360)
(-360) / 5 = (-72)
(-72) + 32 = (-40)F

Ali *Regulus* Mirza
Sorry, Mr Coleman, but you got the second equation (sixth line) messed up. The two equations—that are really just a rearrangement of the variables—are
1: °F=°C*9/5+32, and
2: °C=(°F-32)*5/9
Substituting -40 for °C in the first, and for °F in the second, will give °F=-40, and °C=-40, respectively.
Working out this solution for oneself should be straightforward. Start off with setting °C=°F, or °F=°C, replace the right hand side with the respective equivalent from the above equations, and solve for the variable. For example, use
and then solve for °F.

I just Google it.

Repeat question - only reason I got it right.

if you're in that kind of temperature, I'm sure that this is the first thing you want to know. Oops, lost another toe, but what is the other temperature?

cgsfhzf, I dont understand it well enough yet!!??