What cat breed is this?
Correct answer: Burmese

I I had a little cat name Sarah who was Burmese she was the best cat I have ever had

I adore all cats, my favourite breed would be either Somali or Norwegian Forest... well, hard to decide. My partner though believe we shouldn't buy cats but save those who are homeless and in shelters. I agree, just that some breed are so gorgeous. :D But all cats are so precious.

Player Ejag
Happy to see so many cat-lovers here! Sometimes cats get a bad rap, unfairly. Have had at leadt 15 cats during my life so far, (7 plus a sweet skunk at one time a few years back!) and they all had different personalities! But all were sweet and lovable.🥰

i really like cats as they are very loving thanks fof the information on the burmese cat i did not know that there were two differant breed types

Burmese cats are very special. They have been with my family for the best part of forty years, and I am enjoying the companionship of my second Burmese cat. He is a five-year-old timid brown Burmese called Fudge, and he is the reason why I haven’t taken my own life. He gives he a big welcome every time I return home , and is often waiting for me when I open the door! Today marks the fifth anniversary of bringing him home to my flat.

Player. Ty
I love cats!😎

Love Chinchilla Persians and Himalayans.

All cats are beautiful and deserve our love. They multiply that love and give it back!

Player #3988835
kirtsiemagurtsie, I have a cat like this one, called Ebony, as nd yes, she is very vocal and very, vert independant

Player #3911688
my female cat has Burmese features but lacks the large head. did not have to say much when we first brought her home from the shelter, she has made up for lost time. she has a large vocabulary now.

Our neighbour had 2 beautiful Burmese. One was a block coloured cat 🐈 in peachy- ginger and his litter mate was a tortoise shell with peach patches. Lovely friendly cats - both lived to around 18. Very much missed.

I love cats, I have 3, all rescues. They are very busy and make my life brighter! ❤

thant zin win
I have five cats in my home.

Player. Ty, siamese and himmies.

I have a sleek and sweet black domestic short hair cat. Since she has a splotch of white on her throat, I named her Polara; a feminized version of Polaris, the North Star.

Ray Mission
Player Ejag, Dogs can't do MRIs but CATSCAN....

I really love and adore cats and dog. I don't go for breed for as long they cute I love them.

Brad Feet
i also have a cute cat named Balak Itapon..

a jellicle cat? hmm, not familiar with that breed

Hugh, I'm glad that u chose not to take your own life!!!! if you ever need a friend don't hesitate to say hello

a chinchilla isn't a cat breed

I love jellicle cats.

Player #39579878
I'm a 😺 lover.

Player #40127574
Beautiful cats yes and loyal

Player #32352111
love all feline animals

Player #39162393
I had a few cats that were part burmese. They are exceptionally intelligent and àffectionate.

Player Ejag, also a cat lover. My player name is a tribute to my late black cat nicknamed "Shaddy."

Player Gigi #28446253
Cats are easy to love and care for.

Have had many, many cats in my life. Found that the calico cats have generally had incredible characters

Cats and dogs are full of joy and love when they're loved and cared for properly from the beginning, just like us

The stray I feed now has a breed, he's identical to the pic 😍

I see a picture of a black

Player #3366575
DandeIion, I have a rag doll. love her.

Player #3366575
kirtsiemagurtsie, sounds like a great pet.