According to PsychCentral's Stages of Sleep, how long does it take the average person to fall asleep?

Correct answer: 7 minutes

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
insomnia is no fun.
SQinfoNUTS, it takes my husband about a minute-and-a-half, and it takes me an hour LOL big difference! And you're right, no fun
Lou Lou
Lou Lou
This seems to go against a lot of other sources that put it much longer than that…
Republic of China
Republic of China
Lissa, Oh cool, so I'm not only one who took an hour to fall asleep. I once took like 2 hours to fall asleep from 9pm to 11pm, sometimes 12am but the chances of 12am is now 0.00000000001 percent 😅
Player #48458
Player #48458
SQinfoNUTS, ittakesmore than 7minutes to fall asleep unless you are ecx