According to PsychCentral's Stages of Sleep, how long does it take the average person to fall asleep?
Correct answer: 7 minutes

insomnia is no fun.

SQinfoNUTS, it takes my husband about a minute-and-a-half, and it takes me an hour LOL big difference! And you're right, no fun

Lou Lou
This seems to go against a lot of other sources that put it much longer than that…

Republic of China
Oh cool, so I'm not only one who took an hour to fall asleep. I once took like 2 hours to fall asleep from 9pm to 11pm, sometimes 12am but the chances of 12am is now 0.00000000001 percent 😅

Player #48458
SQinfoNUTS, ittakesmore than 7minutes to fall asleep unless you are ecx