Which country has won the most men's World Cup Tournaments in soccer?
Correct answer: Brazil

And don't forget that Brazil had a National asset called Pele, which gave them an edge. Probably the greatest football (soccer) player in the world, until his retirement.

Player #5080442
France has 2 now. They won last year.

Player #11408880
que Viva El futbol. the only true universal sport in the world. this is and will always be the most popular sport in the world

greatest event in sports.. the Olympics have became WAY over politicized

Player #48023088, or praise

Ramana Venkata
Argentina 3 times 1978,1986 &2022

CAGranny, love Pelé! As a player and as a human being.

CAGranny, Not probably, was and still is...He played in a world cup final aged 17....

Pelé died today. May he R.I.P.

Player #48023088
KeiKo, I will never visit Brazil as it is now a very dangerous country where criminals roam the streets looking for preys.

Ginamos, just go whatever you want.

Player #40861202
i don't know

Player #25874027
The word you’re looking for is corrupt

I visited Brazil and those fans really take this game seriously. You don’t want to be a spectator and be rooting for the opposing team.

Player #34439098
France has won twice now!

TaximanSam, I agree SO much. They just took the name "football" for the rugby and tackling sport!

GV 12
Argentina have Messi which is very good footballer

Tanya, the triangle icon with the exclamation mark let's us notify the powers that be that something needs looked at

GI Joe
Player #11408880, then comes Formula 1.

It should have a date to the question because it will change over time. Hope the writers have it flagged somehow.

CBQ11, what does that have yo do with the question

Heartland Old Guy
Wow, Europe has a long way to go just to catch up! And I thought that Europe was the epicenter of football. Oh well! Better luck next year.