When were floppy disks first developed?
Correct answer: 1960s

Major Audie Murphy
PinkHammer1000, I was using them in the 80s.

The ones pictured were a HUGE improvement over the first ones. no hard cover, data capacity ridiculous much bigger

SeabrookSue, I used 8" floppies on pdp-11 and VAX computers. Those were TRULY floppy.! IBM Series-1 had them too.

Wazzywoo, No, it isn't - the picture shows a diskette (3-1/2"). The floppies that I used at work when we first got computers were truly "floppy" - no hard plastic shell - and measured 5-1/4".

Major Audie Murphy, I was repairing the computers that used floppies and they were 5 1/4" at that time...this was mid 1970's

The best thing about the floppy was the ability to write on the wee sticker on the front what was stored on it. The USB sticks hold so much information and there's nowhere to write even a general term like 'letters' or similar. I loved my different coloured floppies.

1.44 massive Megabyte in that tiny HD gem!
3 1/2" will be state of the art forever!

Player #9210636
I designed a floppy disk drive in the 70's. It used 8- inch disks that held only 128 Kbytes.

Kurosawa4848, You are right. What's pictured is called a diskette. The term floppy simply carried over as the popular term.

Way too easy... they should have had 1970's and 80's in the answers. Would have been much more challenging.

One of my first jobs in the late 70s was to catalog and fetch pizza sized files from a temperatura controlled room for the programmer, and load them on the mainframes that were the size of a big fridge, with several units linked and controlled from a monitor with green letters on dark background. The thing crashed regularly, and I guess nowadays a laptop or PC could do the same job as that array of units, faster and without crashing all the time. We've come a long way in 50 years...

oh my those huge floppy disks and typing punch cards. I had a job where we typed orders on to long paper strips sort of like the ones they used in court . sent them overnight via phone handset. really took all night might have been 240 baud rate. how far we have come since the late 70's.

Ducky, I first experienced computers in 1957 on a field trip to B of A in SF. they were massive and info was input by keypunch cards.

The Pic is a stiffy not a floppy

TwoTin16, Nor in Britain, 80's at least.

They’re in the stuffed Rabbit section! 😳😬

remember learning about computer in high school in the 80s.

MoodyChef92025, floppy hehehe

I knew it had to be the 1960s 'cos I started in IT in 1980 as an 8" floppy diskette key-punch operator.

Player #18595150
They will still be used in the 25th Century aboard the Enterprise 🖖

The ones pictured came After the actual "floppy" disks.

I remember some that were not much smaller than a record album.

Shreya Shree
Player #9210636, 😎

Major Audie Murphy, that's how I knew it was before the 90s.

which floppy disc? 3 ¹/2 or 5¹/2

well I knew it was early just not that early. lol

The picture is deceiving. The original disks were much bigger.

Ezalb17, 360 Mb lol

Who remembers the Amstrad 512 ? ;-)

Player vgMac
Taranchalanche, the ones in the picture are NOT floppy ones, therefore my answer should not be incorrect. The FLOPPIES first came out were actually bendable, thus FLOPPY! I STILL HAVE MY VERY FIRST "Floppy."

Alina, Wrong - I have seen this comment before (from you or someone else?) and have been burned by following this advice, several times.

I remember my husband saying we would never need a more powerful computer than the - what was it - 186? Before Windows and graphics, of course...

Kids will do

Major Audie Murphy, me too..

EnormousArtist6199, no, but still

MoodyRider40322, Yes those are called floppy disc. I agree Moody...

the discs shown are not the floppy discs of the 1960s.