Which is the largest salt lake in the USA?
Correct answer: Great Salt Lake

Never new there was a lake with salt water. Very informative info. Love it!

Utah's mountains have many minerals and salts in them. As rain water and snow melt run down the mountains, minerals and salts are eroded and eventually end up in the Great Salt Lake. Since the lake is a terminal lake, the only way water can leave is through evaporation, leaving the salt and minerals behind.

long ago
Dawn, hi dawn I'd not know that as well I love this game.

Dorothy , great in the name given it away.

great in the name gives it away.

It's salty enough that it's easy to float. Some people have actually died because of accidently drinking too much salt water. It also stinks because of the brine shrimp.

Dawn, I only knew because I was born in Salt Lake City and have many relatives still there! my dad "taught" us to swim there when we were 4,5,8 years old.