Medieval alchemists thought that a Philosopher's Stone could turn base metals into what?
Correct answer: Gold
Most alchemists were brilliant men. Paracelsus discovered zinc in circa 1526 and Hennig Brand discovered phosphorus in 1669
Player #88034437
know it cause of harry potter 😂
Player #25874027
New elements seem to be created in increasingly tiny sub microscopic amounts and last for millionths of a nanosecond second.
How do they measure so tiny and short lived, and how can they prove that just happened.
Player #97184361
Pipe dreams yes, we are all free to have such. Greed and cheap wealth is a driving factor in man’s quest sometimes, but not one of us is the Creator. He has the knowledge of transmutation. ! ! !
Hank, so many elements, the time n effort to create new ones still exists ?
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