Which state in the United States of America borders Russia?

Correct answer: Alaska

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What people think about it: 37 Comments
Heartland Old Guy
Heartland Old Guy
This is a very good question. It made me want to look up how the U.S. and Russia drew up the agreement that resulted in Alaska becoming part of the U.S. Interesting in that since Russia had control of what became Alaska as part of their country, giving up the land and with it a part of the Bering Strait, it created a border in the middle of the strait. Two islands, one to the east, one to the west, are 2.4 miles apart. The separation is equidistant from the islands. This makes a very definitive "border" as we usually define them. We have states where the middle of a river is the border between them, and even Canada and the U.S. have as part of their border, the St. Lawerence River, same with Mexico. I am sure there are other examples.
"I can see Russia from my house."
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
Player #118357, why wouldn't it? We patrol and own all the oil & mineral rights to everything on our side of that internationally recognized border and they do the same. Of course, if you think it's not a serious border... try crossing it and see how that works out for you.
I guess a maritime border is still a border
Heartland Old Guy, thanks! :) good bit of info
Heartland Old Guy, On the Red River between Texas and Oklahoma, the border is not in the middle but on the Texas side. If you are on the Texas side fishing, you have to have an Oklahoma fishing license.
Player #blasted
Player #blasted
Will love to see Alaska
Player #13698710
Player #13698710
that's like saying New Zealand boarders Australia
Player #118357
Player #118357
I'm not sure this counts as a border.
Player #13698710, There is only 3 km border between Alaska and Russia in Diomede Islands. One belongs to Russia and the other to USA.
Excuse the Kuz
Excuse the Kuz
That banana head prez elect down south sure loves Russia. Maybe he will sell out his own country, and then the US can be even closer to his good buddy Putin. And if you think I'm wrong about this, watch how quickly numnuts gets together with Putin. I bet he meets with him within the 1st month.
have friends from Wasilla
VotiveWorkshop1, is it really?
Player #blasted, love to visit but to cold for me want to live there
LegitimateNobody3, interesting right
Player #119631718
Player #119631718
Safet, and wasn't after that when they found many diamonds in Alaska?
JimmyLovesQL, lol ok Sarah Palin funny
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
Player #25874027, they do allow them. Isn’t it a parent?
Heartland Old Guy, I love it when players give us extra info! Thank you!
but did anyone knew that Russia sold Alaska to Americans for 2 cents fo acre..aproximately 7.2 million in total..that's a lot of land for the price of todays 500 square ft mansion 😄
Russia in hindsight is probably facepalming themselves...
Big & little Diomede freeze in the winter where it's approx 2.5 m wide & 12 m long. Technically you cld walk from the US to Russia
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Raven’s dad, No, all countries with a coast line have a sea border, where their territorial waters start . To stay with your choice of Florida , do you imagine that the DEA would allow the cartels to operate 100 metres from the beach? No , the US probably has a 12 mile limit before you get to international waters. Where law enforcement agencies can’t operate against criminals . I may be understating the distance as I am recalling all the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico , because mineral rights apply in the area of territorial waters. This is one the reasons for the Argentine attempts to claim the Falklands among many other disputes
Calling it a border is a bit of a stretch
don't like this question
Player #27643412
Player #27643412
JimmyLovesQL, I thought straight away of that..
I did it Very Quickly I just looked at a map! 😂
I had absolutely no idea until now that USA shares border with Russia.
#Royal queen #2468
#Royal queen #2468
Heartland Old Guy, Thank you
Player #15225915
Player #15225915
Alaska has no Border with Russia. The Bearant straits separate them
Player #2573679
Player #2573679
I amgood🕶🕶🕶🕶🕶🕶
Raven’s dad
Raven’s dad
By this definition Florida borders Ireland
Player #13020234
Player #13020234
Not correct. should be worded differently, as it isn't a true border
Maria ♡
Maria ♡
Heartland Old Guy, Thank you for Explaining, as I didn't know, & didn't think they were that Close to each other, But There again, Geography isn't my Best Subject, it's too Big, 🤣🤣!
Player #3932144, WHY ??
Player #10205580
Player #10205580
beatlesfan1, I guess there was some truth in what Sarah was saying. I never knew this
Player #870928
Player #870928
:(Nancy E):, Sarah herself said she could see Russia from her home!