Gerascophobia is the fear of what?

Correct answer: Growing or aging

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What people think about it: 29 Comments
Just about to be 88 years old, I'm beginning to feel a bit fed up with it. Like Angela though, I'm waiting patiently "to be with Christ, which is far better", as the Apostle Paul wrote.
i fear the day my parents die and i'm all alone
Tina M.
Tina M.
It's difficult because people often don't treat the elderly with respect. Also, there are many things one can't do because of fear of falling. For example, tennis and volleyball can be risky for older people
Marcy, Not being able to do things you use to do and more pain. Not afraid of dying because I can't wait to go to Heaven, but would be sad for one's who loved me.
Don't wait until you retire to start living. I work with elderly people and even if you are still young of heart and mind, an older body keeps you from doing so many things.
Tina M.
Tina M.
☻, it's a good idea to make good friends who will be a comfort for the difficult time when your parents are gone. Being surrounded by family helped me when I lost each of my parents.
Marcy, yes and tired of pain
CcMYoPiK #21957451
CcMYoPiK #21957451
Olly, patience, offer each day to Christ till HE decides enough and welcome HOME
Vicki , When I was in school,we had a kinda group. We visited a nursing home once a week. I loved to listen to their stories. They knew so many things. Also I used to read for some of the others. It really was a great experience.
Duffa, I remember having that fear at 5 as well. They must’ve mentioned it in kindergarten.
Excuse the Kuz
Excuse the Kuz
Getting old is fine. The alternative is death, so embrace the age you are at. The trick is to have fun when you are young and can handle stuff. Getting old won't seem so bad if you did everything you wanted when young. Also, the 1st thing people lose when they get older is their sense of humor.
Hunger Knowledge
Hunger Knowledge
I think Demi Moore falls into the this into category which she's shouldn't
I was worried about aging when I was younger, but now that I'm 70, I realise that I don't feel any different. I've also had health problems in the past that I don't suffer any more. I don't believe in an afterlife. My upbringing involved believing that Jesus will come back. I think it absurd that one should believe that to be "saved." Being a good person should be the criteria!
I distinctly remember having this fear around the age of 5
I deduced Gera for Geriatric, and then pocked ageing. got it right.
I was at a crowded counter in a bar and a young guy said to the barmaid "Serve the old guy first". I turned to him and said "If you leave here tonight and get hit by a car and I am destined to live one second longer, you are the old man." I turned to tye barmaid and said "Serve destiny's child first."
Heenal sharma
Heenal sharma
just related , G in question ❓ and ,G in the Answer
GoGo BOSS Prague
GoGo BOSS Prague
Angela , are you really sure to go to Heaven?
GoGo BOSS Prague
GoGo BOSS Prague
Is gerontophobia the fear of older people!? 🫢👍
The name of the phobia starts with G and the word growing starts with G so I just guessed
I Think I Have This Phobia... Ok Yes I Do-
Olly, God bless you my brother
Dr smart
Dr smart
How do you fear growing 🤯
I have that phobia but I'm only 9 years old.
This game is awesome An it’s so much fun like and you’re helping kids to learn their way on thank your for making this way and by Maverick
Player #54860236
Player #54860236
Marcy, I understand how you feel but need to be positive in your mind. Don't worry just keep faith 🙏 God got you
Thirukartikayan kumaran
Thirukartikayan kumaran
I’m getting same correct and same Rong so you are getting Rong or correct
Player #31753367
Player #31753367
Thanks Rojo Capo !! am 70yrs of age and now you give me another Phobia to worry myself to death with {:-(
Afraid of getting older if you are sickly