Which of these words comes from the Greek for 'milk'?
Correct answer: Galaxy

galactose, lactose
both related to milk.

Never knew this before now 🤔

Well I got this one wrong but I vaguely remember that baby Hercules suckled too strongly on Hera's breast, she withdrew and her milk sprayed across the sky, creating the milky way. That's the link I should have found, I think!

i remember milky way so i got it right galaxy

I was hoping that I had guessed right I knew that we're in the milky way galaxy so I took a chance and guessed right

This question makes no sense to me.

it appears as a hazy, milky band across the across the vault of the sky from horizon to horizon, especially if you're viewing the sky away from ambient light in a low pollution area.

Really "out there" clever question. At first they seem to nothing to do with each other, but, of course, our galaxy is the Milky Way. It's called the Milky Way because in the night sky it appears as a hazy, milky band across theult

like galactose

Seamus the Smart
Great information gleaned from my astronomy classes.

really simple 😊

Other than the candy bar name, I don't see similarities. milk is white, moon is white. Thats the similarity that could be seen before telescopes or other magnification was around. galaxies, novas, etc are much newer discoveries, not known to those drawing the things in common.

Player #34400270
Giggle pig, immature

Giggle pig
abraund , gross!

galaxy milk chocolate 🍫

Arijeet Dutta
addam , same bro

Marcy,the same happened to me as well 😅