What tree is known to be the oldest tree in the world?
Correct answer: The Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva)

Player #14839710
jimijam56, So think about this, this tree was already 3000 yrs old when Jesus was born 😳

Player #25874027
There’s a yew tree in Britain which is believed to be 9000 years old, but it’s the root system, the trees die and regrow

The Fortingall Yew Tree in Perthshire, Scotland 2000 - 3000 years old.

jimijam56, I have seen it.

The tree referred to in this explanation (over 5000 years old) was cut down on 1964. The next oldest is, I believe, around 4600. However if you include clonal trees, they are estimated to be tens of millions in age.

And I was feeling old.

My Dad took us camping many times in the Inyo National Forest around Bishop, California. There was one tree we would go see every time called the Methuselah Tree that probably sprouted right after the Biblical Deluge.

finally she mentions where they grow! but you have to know where Atlanta is.

Player #120374466
Those trees are in southern California near Mount Whitney Not far from there is where old Hollywood western movies were filmed. Such as Hopilong Cassidy

Gret info.