What is dry ice?
Correct answer: Solid form of carbon dioxide

Be cautious in an enclosed area, because if the container holding dry ice leaks in can be fatal to humans.

Player #8124401
Also used in scary movies as fog or mist

In my 20s, I thought that scotch and soda was 'my drink', until I discovered that it was actually the smell of carbon dioxide that I liked.

YaYa The Brave Sorceress
Player #3325307, it’s not an ingredient in the ice cream. It’s used to supercool the mixture and it is in a cylinder that is open to insert the bowl inside of the crystal ice to get the cream and sugar to freeze into ice cream.

Player. Ty
That's Cold

Hansome Ray
Learned something new!

would be a good name for a subdued rapper?

Fun guy
and popular at rock concerts...

Player #20136064
Sorry. That should be swim, not swing. I should have proofread

theftrain1960, My mother used to crave this when she was pregnant with my brother.

why are the always thumbs down 👎 clicks when the majority of comments are normal. They just want to be downers. 😆

this was used on me 57 years ago to remove a wart on my knee.

I thought dry ice was liquid nitrogen!

Burned Out Bob
Dry Ice is good for "Sand Blasting. "

Loh Zye Hoong
it good but I still don't understand

This is an awesome Game hardly recommend to my friends, if they are interesting on learning !

Milorad Mišo Mitrović
i use dry ice for job on weddings, for first wedding dance 😀

Player #23366735
Player #20136064, what a difference one word makes! lol

theftrain1960, when it evaporates it is heavier than air so it displaces the oxygen

Tall Granny
Player #20136064, If you jump in a pool of dry ice swinging or swimming would be the last thing you would worry about.

i did not even know I just guessed 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Player #20136064
If I fill my pool with dry ice, can I swing without getting wet?---Steven Wright

Live, Laugh, Love !!
New knowledge for me .... who agrees??

( Snail Darter)
PanhandleGuy, Great way to kill warts.....Basic ingredient of Wartner.

YaYa The Brave Sorceress, Which is why they said "used in the production" of ice cream.


i clean boats with it. cold is sometimes better than hot

Player #3325307
I didn't know that. But weird that you can it I ice cream yet it has a zesty sour smell. Lol

Also called Cardice