What food is used by Richard Dreyfuss to sculpt Devils Tower, Wyoming in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"?
Correct answer: Potatoes

Karen 7
Very successful film. Well written. It’s now wonder why Steven has been nominated over 16 times . The music was great in this film as well.

The real Devil's Tower in Wyoming is a fascinating object which many people have been climbing. A friend of mine was on the Devil's Tower rescue team to save people who climbed up too high and were afraid to come down.

My favorite thing about that movie is the part where he just trashes his house while his wife is away. Because he goes away after that and doesn't come home again, so his wife never knows what happened to him, but all she knows is that for some reason, he wrecked her house and now he's gone. Funny scenario...

There's a campground nearby that shows the film outside for those camping. You can see the tower on the screen with the real one in sight. Too cool.

great, humorous scene

when this came out, my parents took us to see it at the movie theater in Hanover, MA., we brought our own popcorn in a green trash bag!

Such a great actor.

Artie, the movie is entitled "The Goodbye Girl".

i love that scene.

What a fascinating and initially frightening movie. Richard Dreyfuss was and is one of the greatest actors ever. My favorite was the Good time Girl

What a fascinating and initially frightening movie. What a great actor Richard Dreyfuss was and is. My favorite was the Goodtime Girl.

Saw the movie in 1977 at the cinema. Awesome