What is the capital of Illinois?
Correct answer: Springfield

Player #9450923
I'm from Springfield.we have more governors in prison than anyone .. yea for illinois

I beg to differ! The most famous resident of Springfield is Homer Simpson.

Illinois, the land of high taxes and high unemployment and where our goveners go to prison. Couldn't get out of the corrupt state fast enough.

Look at your life and ask yourself " Am I better off today than 2 years ok, 4 years?" Be honest and stop hating just to hate. It is so useless!!

Player #9450923, true. It's a bad reason for the state to be famous.

Player smurf
Player #9450923, yes we do. I live in crook county

im from there

team edward cullen
my aunt and my cousin live in Chicago

I actually have worked on this ☺️.

Msbwitch, I’m from Bloomington/Normal as well. KC now go chiefs!

Giggle pig
Me, yeah, it’s Springfield Ohio.

my sister used to live there

Player #21048061
I'm from Springfield Illinois

WaldoLydeker, wrong state. Doh...

hedaben, I grew up in Bloomington/Normal

Player #10381263 ber, I grew up in Decatur. my dad was from Murdock.

BellaBlue3205, Reply from Prof Paco: Bella I live in Quincy, IL only 119 miles west of you. I attended Springfield. (Later Benedictine University then closed) I especial like Springfield's restaurants and the Lincoln museum! 😃

Becca Sue
Player #4685238, oh, dear. Have you confused this site as a social media platform? Perhaps a personal blog would be more appropriate for your randon comments.

IntenseCentaur29306, The city or the prison?

ShellSeller, perhaps your reading comprehension skills are not 100%. Read the statement again.

South Dakota state capital is Pierre, and the local pronounciation is pier, not pee air, as it is usually mispronounced by outsiders.