In which country is Lake Okeechobee located?
Correct answer: United States

Steven ,
and now pythons.

Was it named by the Native Americans?

J, yes it was, by the Seminoles. Also, they never signed a peace treaty with United States of America

Tom, we live near the Everglades and feel it's deplorable that people so irresponsibly released pet pythons and iguanas into our fragile ecosystem.

Very interesting facts. I've never been to Florida but would like to visit it.
it is so sad and depressing that irresponsible people continue to ruin our beautiful planet.

The State of Florida has finally responded to the invasive species crisis in their state, indisputably caused by irresponsible pet owners. You can't blame a hurricane in 1992 for the fact that Florida Wildlife officers spend their days apprehending not only pythons, but also six-foot long Nile Monitor Lizards with sharp claws and a powerful whip-like tail, Green Anacondas, and five-foot long Tegu lizards from South America. Today, all sub-species of these animals are illegal to import, own, or breed.

Micki, it certainly is?! What a mess Florida has now. And they say their moving north. I guess I'm glad to live in the North where we have very cold temperatures in the wintertime!! We lived in Sarasota and Bradenton in 86'87, but wouldn't move back now!! I hate reptiles!!!

Vicki, YES!!!

Near way down yonder on the Chatahootchee.

Micki, I agree. unfortunately people don't realise that releasing a potential rival to survival into an ecosystem is wrong.

Micki, These irresponsible pet stores need to be banned from selling them.

I think it was the Miccosukee who never signed or agreed.

I knew the answer cuz I associate it with Lake Ogre-Chobee in the Land of Xanth novels by Piers Anthony. 🤣

Not even close to a Spanish, Scottish, or German name

That's correct because the Great Lakes other than Lake Michigan are also partially within Canada.