What do the letters "BBC" stand for?
Correct answer: The British Broadcasting Corporation

Player #96919
luckycatfay, I begrudge having to pay for a licence when all we get is constant repeats and now that we have catch up etc why on earth do they repeat programmes on Sundays that have just been on the day before and there's only so many times people want to watch the Harry Potter films and James Bond but they keep repeating them

Player #96919, Think you will find it’s ITV who keep repeating Harry Potter and James Bond

Player #96919, so blue planet , peaky blinders are not worth watching then

Chelseablue 1971
SneakyMole92698., why were you wrong?

Player #2564553, I can't think of a single good programme on ITV. Well, maybe The Chase.

SneakyMole92698., I begrudge paying a TV licence for it prefer itv

SneakyMole92698., I agree.