Where is Fair Isle located?
Correct answer: Scotland

Player #8258475
CertainOgre1, People say on here that they like to learn new things, so heres a few for you from a Scot. We spell it Whisky, and we are not 'renowned' for our thrift - that is a myth born from the saying 'Scot Free' the meaning of which has nothing to do with Scotland or Scots in any way, shape or form.!

Ireland abú
CertainOgre1, so you're American then

I am not a number.
The building shown in the picture - the bird observatory - was lost in a fire in May 2019. Such a pity.

I have a friend that I play online yahtzee with who lives in Scotland. I would love to visit there

As a full-blooded Scottish American I have always wanted to make an extended tour of the Land of the Bruce. We Scots are famous for three things that give me great pride of heritage. We are notariously hardy, renowned for our thrift, and invented my two favorite things: whiskey, and golf. And as for those kilts? Well, everybody knows a sheep can hear a zipper a mile away !!!

little b
I've not been to Scotland

it's also a type of wool

K9Queen , I love Outlander too. I need to catch up on both the series and the books. Scotland is one of my favourite places. I’m lucky that it not far for me to visit as I only live about 100 miles away - not across the Atlantic. I hope you get to visit.

Player #8258475, I love Scotland and the Scots. I’ve been so many times over the years and I quite agree - far from being tight (mean)they are a very generous and kind people.

As a fan of "Outlander" I would love to visit Scotland someday. I love the accents and the pictures are so beautiful, I'd love to see the land in person. The dog in my profile picture on the left is my sheltie, Royalty's Scot on the Rocks, call name "Whisky"

Flower paw
Fair Isle is also a stitch style in knitting

All I know is that idoes have some pretty places

Player #2512936
Player #8258475, Scotch Tape, nothing to do with Scotland but plenty to do with 3M.

Player #2512936
Bettyfitz , That is a good Thing.

Player #2512936
CertainOgre1, You are My Type of people; resourceful, creative and inventive! Make My Whiskey:. Tullamore Dew!

Player #8258475, “renowned for their thrift” (ie) careful with money!

Player #3366575
Player #2147941, there is an underwater henge off the coast of this island.