What large animal sweats the color red?
Correct answer: Hippopotamus

Player #677233
LazyLabradoodle29407, hello to all. I'd like to not have to actually buy my own sunscreen and anti-biotics. Groove on hippos.

I had no idea. WOW! I watch a lot of nature programming and hadn't heard about this.

If I'm correct Hippo milk is pink. Another weird and wonderful fact for you.

Why did the Hippopotamus go to the doctor?
A: Because he is a Hippochondriac. 😂

years ago, my uncle was doing a plumbing project at the K.C. Zoo, near a hippo enclosure. He panicked and found a zoo employee, thinking that the hipo had been hurt. It was interesting to read the explanation all these years later.

This app is awesome! I'm learning so much, it's even worth the adds, Thanks!

Hippos take more human lives in a year than lions do.

Player #2024893
we went on safari in Africa. We were told they are very dangerous😳

Nice question! I like this game.

The Web3
That was very informative. I never even thought about hippopotamus sweating.

FiestyDancer9398, if true yes

They have pink milk too, but it isn't strawberry flavour 🍓

Player #130998363
I learned this the other day from this game. Hey,what do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.

Caroline K

Player #36864105, hardly. The blood used in the horror movie Carrie was from a pig slaughterhouse.

I have no idea WOW i love nature programming and hadn’t heard about this

Interesting animals but one you don’t want to mess with! Guaranteed if they had them in Yellowstone Park people would be out of their cars trying to get up close for pictures!

Player #36864105, I doubt if they actually use the blood on an actress

Again, God’s creativity at work!!

Player #26129643, auto correct messes up a lot of text when you're in a hurry.

i had no idea. I always watch geographic wild but it doesn't talk about hippo sweating

FiestyDancer9398, it's a by-product of the red sweat unless I'm very much mistaken.

Kinda disgusting but at the same time, I wish we humans had this ability😫

Player #4992396
amazing I wondered how they survived

Player #43562804
hippo cheese is very good.
looks like straw berry

Hippos only come out at night usually due to their vulnerability for sunburn. They also are reputed to be the animal who kills more people than any other in Africa, as they are so aggressive. They attack villiagers returning at night, its very hard to see them. i have been chased by a hippo.

Deftleigh Daft
Player #22224019, In German they call it "Nilpferd", literally "Nile horse".

Player #22892779
I love reading all the backstories - I'm surprised at what know and amazed at what I'm learning

Wow😱😳 This was so interesting...I Never Knew That.

Player #36864105
Hippo sweat, same stuff they used as pigs blood in Carrie....

Player #26129643
I was grooving on the knowledge until the errant "it's" where "its" should've been--I never understand why otherwise intelligent people mess up this.

whoops that's hippo either or?

I don't know,I just wouldn't get that close to a rino to want to find out.

gaz, of course it is

Vincent Sablan
QuizLord, They take more lives than lions, crocs, and venomous snakes, combined.

FiestyDancer9398, Kangaroo milk is pink, it has a very high iron content.

Hippos are one of the most vicious and deadly land animals.. kill more humans than lions do..

QuizLord, humans take the lives of all living things more than God does.

QuizLord, humans take lives of all living things than God do.

I hate Hippos...especially the one in principal's office.