Buckingham Palace is in which European country?
Correct answer: United Kingdom

Roger Hepworth
Portia, It most definitely is a country!

can a good Samaritan please send me money to visit Buckingham palace.

Roger Hepworth ,
I can't see Portia's comment, but if she said that the United Kingdom is not a country....she is most definitely right.
The United Kingdom consists of three complete countries.....England, Scotland and Wales, Northern Ireland is also part of the United Kingdom, as are literally hundreds of islands, close to our shores and a very long way away.
Don't schools teach geography these days?

Phantom Limb, Done bad this round lol 😂

Cudley Dudley
antzuzu, the uk is just a political unionof the 4 home countries, gb is geographical grouping . btw it was originally called Buck House.

Phantom Limb
Done bad this round lol 😂

The country is ENGLAND. United Kingdom is the name of several countries.