Who votes for the Academy Awards (Oscars)?

Correct answer: Members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
A big lavish beano, created to massage already massive egos and to improve the bank balances of already wealthy people. As it stands, it has no redeeming features for me.
Who cares is the real question. Largest gathering of worthless humans right next to N Koreans clapping for Un
These awards are important. Acting is not an easy job to do. A regular person gets reviews on the job and bonuses. Actors get reviews and rewards. They want the academy to judge their work and vote….
Zizzlestix , it says Whoppie is on it, not white or a man
Karen 7
Karen 7
This is the way the awards should be voted for. I am glad they have the people choice awards. That means allot to the actors in the industry. I greatly respect the actors who show up for the peoples award