This famous singer died on the 4th of February, 2016. What is his name?
Correct answer: Maurice White

Player #3480372, Best band ever

Fantasy & September, awesome!

Player #27643412
mercedes, oh! ain't that the truth.
Their music has never aged, still love hearing it.

Reasons , After The Has Gone &September are at the forefront of my mind.

Player #3780829
boogie wonderland reasons I saw them live in 1976 in milwaukee wi with denise Williams. i met them after the concert and i knew they were tired but they were so gracious and kind to me. they had plenty of food and drink in the hotel suite. i gave them space and left after an hour.

johnwintergreen, just had this question 5 minutes ago.

johnwintergreen, yes because the photograph used shows his face less than 1/8 of an inch.