1, 1, 4, 27, 256,… ...what's the next number?

Correct answer: 3125

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
Peggy Sue 1804, Agreed. No matter how many times you multiply 0 by itself the answer will still be 0.
Player #134726817
Player #134726817
Mars V, calculators aren't capable of all functions. go on youtube and you'll find several videos proving 0^0 = 1
Mars V
Mars V
0^0 does not equal 1. Try it out on a calculator if you don’t believe me. Mine says “error”.
Mars V
Mars V
MrYorba, Any non-zero to the zero power equals 1.
choose a very small number X= 0.0000001 try this in your calculator x^x try again for X= -0.0000001 both ~1
There are two rules with the 0 solution. 0^x = 0 y^0 = 1 which is preferred when x, y = 0? we do limit as x -> 0, of x^x. there is a mathematical reason, covered in first year university maths why the answer is 1. But I cannot explain here. In short it is a convenient way to ensure continuity.
Peggy Sue 1804, any number to the 0th power = 1. 0^0=1.
this is a very poor explanation.
Graham Y.N.W.A.  JFT
Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
Peggy Sue 1804, The question and answer are correct. just a little wobble in the explanation Y.N.W.A. JFT96
Peggy Sue 1804
Peggy Sue 1804
I think this is wrong 0 ^ 0 can't be 1.