Which was the first mass-produced computer?

Correct answer: IBM 650

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What people think about it: 38 Comments
And now we carry them in our pockets. wow what a change
Mardell Riley
Mardell Riley
Just figured sence they are a big corporation 🔣
And yet, supposedly a mere 7 years later with less computing power than a modern phone put a man on the moon.
Player #2586662
Player #2586662
IconicYodeler75974, physical footprint means how much floor space an item takes up.
Doug Moore
Doug Moore
Thanks to the space program, technology surged forward at a fantastic rate. What fits in your hand today took up a whole room back then.
Player #17914743
Player #17914743
old guy. i operated IBM 1401 computer in 1964. it only had 4000 positions of core. storage now & ram is unreal.
I remember one of the first supercomputer was in like New Mexico... the Kray (Cray?) we couldn't use the phones at night because my dad had to dial into it to "crunch numbers".
I just saw Hidden Figures the other day so that's how I guessed it.
I remember using the IBM 370 non-personal computer. It had replaced the "perfect-circle" IBM 360 but it was back to the drawing-board. haha
Hazzard1701d, Isn’t that the most amazing fact of all ? Wonder where technology will take us in the next 100 years ? What a wonderful world !
El Paz, one of the best movies.
Chel, Your father could have been my father's twin! He worked for IBM in the 50s in LA. He never owned a PC. didn't buy a color tv or a microwave until the 70s.
I remember using my first computer with 16 MB hard drive My phone now has 256GB Unbelievable!
Garnetchick1957, And smartphones of today are so much faster and more powerful than those old computers. They used to have to feed cards with punch holes in different places into the card reader to give instructions to the computer. Now we have Windows and touch screens.
My dad would bring home tons of punch cards from those mega computers. My mom used them for making door wreaths. punch cards were used to input data into mega computers back in the sixties.
my Father's job was to fix those big suckers when they malfunctioned. And yet we didn't even have a home computer until the 1990's because he was waiting for the 'home computer fad' to go out of style. Same with microwave ovens and Cable tv. I think he was mad because 8 track didn't become the standard.
El Paz
El Paz
Skip back one letter, IBM is HAL,,,, "Hal open the pod bay doors",,,, "I can't do that Dave",,,,, still gives me chills,,,, 2001 a Space Odyssey
wow that's awesome
Player #78392757
Player #78392757
a wonderful world indeed!!!
Player #95218442
Player #95218442
Ross Perot, Sr had the first one in his private collection that was once on display in his personal museum at his corporate office, Perot Systems.
I learnt in my computer reader in 6th class
Anurag Das
Anurag Das
Steins Gate fans gather here
Jay Anne Sarsale
Jay Anne Sarsale
it comes from India I think so.
Ruby Woo
Ruby Woo
Garnetchick1957, Actually, the processing power of the 650 would fit on a pinkie ring, times 1,000 or so. I learned to program on one of those old monsters. Man, I feel old!
and 6 years later IBM with pentagon started the internet to spy on the Russians.
whitesloth91, Hidden Figures is such a great movie-a lesson of history including progress for women and of race!
Nutshell, The big Pharma Co that I retired from also had a Cray back in the day-it was huge & was kept in its own cool room! We have seen so many changes!
How awesome the technology now though.
Sonny Vistan
Sonny Vistan
The big changed of technology that is amazing.
Player #47509168
Player #47509168
what is the meaning of the others symbol?
Player #39480220
Player #39480220
our family friend worked on the main frame for IBM. I remember him telling me computers will get smaller and faster, the problem will be cooling them.
I drew my profile pic, this is an amazing game!
Player #39158094
Player #39158094
Nutshell, my friend worked on a kray.....in a uni near Euston
Amin Jaoudat
Amin Jaoudat
They cost back then $3.5k. About 6k in today's money
Player #36201510
Player #36201510
katter mennu
Player #39544602
Player #39544602
Hazzard1701d, supposedly?
Player #32532225
Player #32532225
Garnetchick1957, makes you wonder what they are going to look like in another 50 years.
Fun guy
Fun guy
your brain 1001 version 1.0 has more power ! 😉