The sun rises from which direction?
Correct answer: East

Imagine not everyone is a native speaker. Also some users play the game to improve their english, they could easily get it wrong.

chu sp
beauty and the beast song help me remember.

the song "Day is Dying in the West" helps me to remember.

Player #25874027
Lorraine ,
I hit North with fat fingers , I didn’t choose it !!
Anyway this answer is wrong - everyone knows the sun rises in the morning.

Lorraine , Because you couldn’t care less, probably.

J1ndra, No penalty for being wrong

Guru admits the answers are misleading. this question needs removal and rewording! MY sun APPEARS to rise in the southeast, by the summer solstace it's almost in the eastern sky it appears

Player #97184361
Lorraine , I believe for you it’s simple but to really understand why it seems and is the east is a small miracle of immense proportions. Not kidding. ! ! !

I like this image

Champion, i wonder who chose West?