The tongue of the blue whale is about the same weight as that of a female Asian elephant.
Correct answer: True

If 2700 kg is 3 short tons and 9000 kg is 99 short tons, there is a problem with maths ... or you credibility

Player #203753
worded bad makes it sound like its comparing the tongue of both animals

It's very difficult for me to see blue whales in the open ocean in real life but the best place to see blue whales is Monterey Bay, California.

The whale 🐋 is one of my favourite sea creatures. My favourite species of whales include Blue Whale, Sperm Whale and even Right Whale. I also might consider liking the Humpback Whale in the future. Killer Whale, also known as Orca, is also one of my favourite sea creatures too.

it wasn't possessive so it was talking about the whole elephant not just the tongue.

that's discusting!

Player #19797
Player #240119,
That's how it read to me too, frustrating!

Player #240119
bad wording, are we comparing tongues?

99 tons?! Can somebody show me the math on that? That's got to be bigger than my last girlfriends mouth...

RustyTorpedo55287, yeah i got lucky

Player #203753, in a way