What was the original name for a Jack in a standard deck of poker cards?
Correct answer: Knave

my favorite card game is Canasta. my grandmother taught me when I was a child.

I worked in a State mental hospital as a RN for 15 years. The patients always played spades. When we had quiet times we would play with them. It also gave us a good chance to assess them. It was really fun. A lot of times after evening shifts several of us staff members would meet up at someones house and play spades.

Cribbage is quite possibly the best two player card game in my opinion.

gin rummy

Texas Hold 'em, Spades, Cribbage. Ace of Spades

I like to play Spades.

Player #3477210
My Dad taught me how to play cribbage. Miss playing with him.

Player #7432266
MrNobody, what's unusual in euchre is that the knaves have the highest value and are called bauers or Bowers.

lauriest527, my grandma taught all 26 of her grandchildren so now we play team against team when we get together and have a blast!!

solitaire as always..i knew this kind of game card since i was in grade 3..now that im 32,still playing it..

I was taught how to play solitaire at the age of 4. Cards are a wonderful teaching aid.

Mars V
There’s a scene in Great Expectations in which Pip is angry at Joe for teaching him that they’re called knaves after Estella, who calls them jacks, has made him feel lower class because of it.

slap jack just works better than slap knave

I had to laugh because my name is actually Thane.

neil&divyesh, Got no friends?

Player #3477210, I was involved in what had to have been the spades game of all time, we had 12 friends that all wanted to play cards, so we had 4 teams of 3 each, it's been years ago, so I don't remember all the details, but it was some game!

Hearts and Spite and Malice are my favorites.

I got this right thanks to Alice in Wonderland and the knave of hearts

lauriest527, I loved playing canasta as a kid. Do you know if it is playable online? None of my friends can be bothered to learn.

cool vibrations
puke66754, jeff is that u?

Player #32941072
Euchre are where the Knaves carve up.

Player #13023389
Been playing cards all my life and knew the answer right off.

Player Thad
Goldfish 😎

Player #11115144
lauriest527, please teach me how to play canasta

JMRACING14, Euchre!

Player #13282008, what is Hozzi?

lauriest527, same

Player #13282008
Hozzi! Spades! Rummy! Gin! I love card games!!!!!

Player #11469244
strip poker

Mr. Brengsek
Lap Lap Fu bah kanurang ni

Euchre's a great game for short breaks at work or school
because of its fast pace. Always managed to get at least a full game(10 pts) in a 10 minute break.

Player #9872227, j

Player #9872227
fake as a barbie babe

Player #8165480
AbleOrchard1, smd

Yucker!!!! Left and Right Bower. Spelling may be wrong

( Snail Darter)
SeventhAverage4, My grandparents developed our families love of card playing, especially Euchre and 500....then came double-deck pinochle.

Danbocommando, guilty

Euchre, 500, Bridge. All the same game with Jacks as the left and right Bowers. Taking tricks gives the player points

Wendymoo, I just play solitare.