Which animal would you associate with echolocation?
Correct answer: Dolphins

Very interesting. Dolphins are even more exceptional than I thought. I thought that sharks had a similar abillity, though.

Bats also use echolocation.

Vonnie, everything on earth is indeed awesome! Then you still get humans who believe in fairy tales and put down those who don’t … Go figure!

Blinky, Sharks has a keen sense of smell, which is better than their eyesight most times.

little b
i love 💕 dolphins

Mars V, I would if dolphins are that impressed with us.🤔

Mars V
I wonder if dolphins are that impressed with us.🤔

sharks have chemo sensors, like taste buds on their head, body, that let them detect blood etc in tiny amounts. Sharks can detect small electric signals.
But sharks definitely don't have echolocation.

Cool! Do Penguins have this ability too? It just reminds me of the Penguins being controlled in the Batman Returns (2) movie.