Who was Herodotus?
Correct answer: A Greek historian of the 5th Century BC

Heartland Old Guy
Well at least we have someone to blame for having to study history in school. Seriously, though, it has been said that those who do not study the past are doomed to making the same mistakes. So history lovers, good for you!

Some of the comments on here really do make me wonder where our education system is heading... spelling included!

Jan Hamel, He was born 485 bc (before Christ) and died 60 years later which was 425 years before Christ

Player #185561, I'm not sure where you went to school but as an educator in the US public school system, I can assure you that the subject of history is alive and well.

Montana Lady
Blueberrytart67, Your question sounds both logical and sincere, so I think our education system is failing us in these matters.
While not your fault, I highly encourage anyone who does not understand this question to Google "why + backwards + BC?"... it's something simple that we all should know. :-)

Herodotus,plato,aristotle.They all have given their contribute and have left their footprint in history.

( Snail Darter)
sunsetdb7, The choices on this question were kind of moronic.....

...goes 1BC to 1AD, skipping zero...

CubicAftermath, BC counts downward

Oh I would love it if a rock band used this as a band name

😆😆 A "rock band"!!!!! Funny

Montana Lady, So many young people don't know our country's history even and it's sad. they stopped teaching civics, it is so sad cuz it's so important!!

Player #27602858
How did he die before he was born?

Chelu Neb1
i bet he had followers

EnchantedNaga45588, so how old was he when he died?

I'm 58yrs and I only discovered Herodotus in the last year, Fantastic book, fascinating stuff

greg joe, in ancient history the count down in years descends, when Christ was born that was the 1st century of our now calendar.

quiznerd, and 6 billion was spent in congress 9 hours ago

I think you need to revise the born & dead date is reverse in the Information !

Heartland Old Guy, you said it. as we see with Wars continue.

( Snail Darter), totally agree!

mendel 234
Herodotus was born in Ionian Greek (Aegean coast of present day turkey) and died in Thurii (a city in Southern Italy)

Fun guy
and politicians have used it as propaganda ever since.. many account are biased.

Player #33436140
Thank you Assassin's Creed Oddyssey.

The answer was kind of obvious, just look at the picture!

we shuda all been greek

Thank God for Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I'm friend with this man.

He looks greeky in the picture.

Mr. Bean
Father of world history - Herodotus

but in china history was already being taken seriously before he was born

Player #6532678
The father of history

Heartland Old Guy, Hello. I love that someone who helped create this game is just the loveliest. So cool to learn where the phrase "The Father of history and lies" really came from. Amazing to learn Herodis is the Mack Daddy of History. Love this game!

Player #4663779
Jon snow GOT, you can't be serious.

Okie Razorback
Player Applezwork2, Thinking and a little common sense, which is pretty scarce these days.

a rock band? hehe

CubicAftermath, yes , BC means before Christ. Counts backwards until 0 and becomes AD. 2019 AD.