When astronauts are in space, does their height grow up to 3 percent?
Correct answer: Yes

Player ou812,
It based on gravity, there is no gravity in space! Common Sense ... think about it! No gravity to hold you down and compress the body, space allows your body to relax more freely therefore, it appears to grow. However, the astronauts have proven that within 10 days return to earth they had returned to the same height that they were before they left earth!

Player #3532789
Syn, I lost 2inches in height when I had 3 1/2 discs removed following an accident. What I would give to go to space for a few days so I could get relief!!!

Player Elf Counsel, I got u 1 better I'm 4"7 1/2 inches so I really need to go there!!

Fun guy
a) question was specific re: 3% -b) on earth height changes from am to pm also .. & your feet swell by end of day.. etc

The effects of gravity on the body are actually quite mental. Once astronauts get back to Earth, they have to keep them seated during press conferences just to make sure the don’t faint as the body needs to adjust back to the gravity.

You also shrink when sitting or standing in 9.8m/s^2 gravity and grow when lying down afterward

Player #15597178
obviously shrinking was wrong, as that would mean no was also a correct answer.