What is necrotizing fasciitis?
Correct answer: Flesh eating bacteria

Player #8117802
I spent 2 months in hospital, a week of that in a coma + 2 surgeries. Told I was lucky to survive.

why did I Google this... #mistake

RushMama2112, same here, a week after my child was delivered via c section I had it in the the wound and it took 8 days and two surgeries and IV antibiotics to clear. I was also told to stay away from anti inflammatory medications until the infection had cleared as they feed the infection.

Fabulous Phyll
I've watched my fair share of medical dramas to know that one!

Player #12029152
it's caused by the bacteria , it's not the bacteria

And stay out of very warm waters and waterways, ie lakes, gulf beaches, rivers as the warmer the water temp the more bacteria. Wasn't but a few years ago that a woman contracted this from a small cut and being in warm gulf waters in Florida, and a young lady from Georgia contracted it from warm lake water, which I believe was when she was visiting in Florida.

Player #10586974
Fasciitis is inflammation of the fascia of muscle not bacteria

Diver Dan, agreed I learned recently that hydrogen peroxide reaction to a wound actually damages the skin tissue as a result..not that it won't heal..its just a product better used for mouth rinse..havent heard about Neosporin yet but it's mostly made of petroleum jelly. I just know that for a minor wound is good to keep moist to aid in healing and scarring.

Colloidal Silver straight onto the wound is very effective

It's an INFECTION, not bacteria

Miss Sue
Player #3164375, So sorry to hear about that.

toothless beachrat
Bonnie ,
I had a motorcycle accident back in 1988 where I lost 6 teeth and severed my face from my lower lip to my chin. I was told to gargle hydrogen peroxide several times per day. Perhaps things have changed over time...

MissmaeRockStar, I have even read negative reports of using Hydrogen Peroxide as a mouthwash.

This is a condition caused by bacteria, and can occur anywhere

There have been several here in Western Florida that were fatal recently. It came from swimming in the Gulf.

Player #24019294
EliteLawyercat57024, good luck with that.

um.. how can something with the "itis" suffix mean bacteria? If the description included the meaning of "fasci", it'd mean inflammation of whatever that refers to.. hm!

I cared for a man who was thought to be the 1st case in Derby,UK

Guitarfan 5
Player #3720949, never wanted anything try...

Diver Dan, TRUE. Clean wound ~ don't traumatize it further. This will indeed delay healing.

Player #117537
VividPotion6704, mainly used for infected burns

Player #3164375, oh, no! So sorry :(

I had this several years ago. Secondary to another condition, thought it was cellulitis. Spent 10 days in hospital. Scary!

Player #3164375
PBAlice54, I hurt my foot and it wouldn't heal. nobody told me about not using peroxide til gangrene had set in. I lost my foot 3 months after injuring it

Montana Lady
Katarina, lol "necro" = Greek for death... so a good rule of thumb is never Google the necro stuff. I don't even want to know what it looked like. Ick!

I heard on a radio talk show that an extensive test that was done, showed that the only thing that can kill flesh-eating bacteria is aloe vera.

sexy red
Diver Dan, that is true from personal experience

No, just you.

Fabulous Phyll, Hydrogen peroxide will bubble out infection from a new scrape. Isn't owie like iodine.