How many minutes must an ice hockey player stay seated for a minor penalty?

Correct answer: 2

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player #1081396
Player #1081396
charliolemieux, let's refer to the penalty box by it's hockey name, the sin bin
Player #1617156
Player #1617156
The player leaves the penalty box if the other teams scores at any time during the 2min. Bad question.
not really. it's two minutes or less if the opposition scores. to say "must" is erroneous
Once I was at fight and a hockey game broke out.
Blarg !!!! Didn't take the time to read the question. Took one look at the photo, and instantly thought "Five for Fighting"
Player en_846
Player en_846
Player #1617156, We could also say they don't HAVE to be seated.