When did humans first start farming?
Correct answer: Around 12,000 years ago

Player #25874027
Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago.
I think it was on a Thursday. Thursday was always pretty boring until then

Player #25874027
Yep, I have videos of amoeba planting seeds in the primordial soup .
T. Rex struggled with the wheat harvest due to its short forearms , but attaching threshing machines to the stegosaurs solved that issue .
Of course all the crops were ruined by the meteor . Things went pretty fallow after that for about 64 million years but then they sped back up pretty quickly.

The earth was created 14 billion years ago.
Humans existed from about 2-4 million years ago.

this is incorrect as we know farming started from almost the beginning of the creation of the world.