What is the sum of all the numbers on a roulette wheel?
Correct answer: 666
Satan's lil helper, good one
Player judyndisguise
just proves how evil gambling is.
Number of the beast
Player #96919
Chezikeets, yeh, the devil's in the detail
Talk about the devil being in the details.
frank, that's the first time I've heard that
Player #109945361
668. Neighbour of the beast
actually, 616 is the number of the Beast. 666 was an incorrect translation from original Greek
derp, in the bible the number of the beast is 666. The Greeks weren't christian so why would they have the same beast
Chezikeets, lots of beast superstitions here. Lol
Wannabe Vulcan
derp, so that's why I keep getting the wrong number when I try to call the beast?
Wannabe Vulcan
Player #109945361, |-666| = the absolute value of the beast.
Wannabe Vulcan
Bandicoot, I've got to say I prefer Iron Maiden's version.
Ahmin Walker
The devil is in the details!
Woe to you, oh earth and sea
For the Devil sends the beast with wrath
Because he knows the time is short
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast
For it is a human number
Its number is six hundred and sixty-six
That's why it is forbidden in Islam
Player #31009781
same number one would find in the Pope's "hat" (VICarIVs fILII DeI) roman numeral characters added together.
Player judyndisguise, only when you lose
Player Turtle Rox
Player Cosmo Chic, Played the Ouija board and it said move to Australia. Best advise ever. Loved living there.
guessed correctly