What dogs are born pure white?
Correct answer: Dalmatian

Player #25874027
So isn’t that exactly what it says in the notes?

Player #91956759
Fire Trucks and the Budweiser Clydesdales mascots !!

Player #91956759, Had 2 in my lifetime. One with black spots one a tri color with liver and black spots. Sweetest, even tempered dogs I ever had.

so I guess you call them age spots

Never knew that about dalmatians, so I chose poodles as the only possible answer! How interesting though that dalmations are born all white!

Cat Mom
That's cool that they're named after their native region

What about white poodles?

Too many petty comments about skin/coat color and spots.

Ky Woman
A Dalmatian is not pure white it has coloring on it

such a misconception that they're born with spots

A neighbor had when I was growing up. He loved to play with us and, boy, was he strong.

Aren’t Dalamatians black and white, not pure white???

I love German Shepherds, Dalmatians, Poodles, and Cocker Spaniels they are pretty and Beautiful dogs and they are my Favorite Animals

I used to raise Dalmatians for many years. When born they are generally totally white. Unless they have a predominant spot like an ear or a circle around their eye. They are high spirited dogs that require lots of love and a attention. Due
to circumstances beyond my control I no longer own own one of these magnificent creatures!

Player #72868419
I would personally put the last paragraph in the explanation part first.

I disagree with you because when one looks at a dalmatian there are black spots on the dog.

Some German shepherds are also born white

Cat Mom
pranksterwankstar55, It's coat is pure white, not it's spots

as thousands dropped of course and failed this I also
was led to believe that poodle
but here when a Dalmatian is
bor. it's pure white spots develop later after birth ???

The same applies to cross-breeds. My family had some Dalmatian and Boxer puppies back in the day, and they were born either white, or brown, or black, and as they grew, they all gained different coloured spots. Great dogs they were.

Cutie pa-tooties 😊.

J, no spots is why cruelly had an apoplectic when the pups were born until she realised they developed the spots later

Lovely looking, Cruella DeVille was a big fan!

You can see their spots under their sac as the born. As soon as the dam cleans them they’re pure white. Their spots eventually show up. They’re wonderful dogs, super smart, and very protective. I love my boy!

blah blah blah
Dalmatians have "genetic" gout, which is why they develop spots. And yes, I have had 1. He was a sweetheart