When was the world's first thermonuclear weapon/hydrogen bomb test?
Correct answer: The United States on November 1,1952

Wish the USA would test in their backyards and not poisoning all the pacific nations Islands. What or who gave them the rights to test all their bombs from hydrogen to nuclear in the pacific?!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Kiwozzie, Regarding your statement: We did test in our own back yard! The fact that bombs were being tested near Las Vegas, Nevada, was used as a tourist attraction of sorts or amenity or even selling point. Wtch the mushroom clouds while on your balcony from a famous hotel. Now to answer your question... The United Nations. In 1947, the Marshall Islands became part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, created by the United Nations and then administered by the U.S.

Not to be a pendant but the format of the question was very confusing

What a shame they made them in the first place. Why can't humanity be at peace, and not constantly want to destroy or have what another has?

Wannabe Vulcan, 90 seconds 😥

Wannabe Vulcan
Two minutes to midnight.

The question was “when”, not “who” or “where”.