Who played the title character (He-Man) in the 1987 live action movie, "Masters of the Universe"?
Correct answer: Hans "Dolph" Lundgren

I was shocked to find out how smart and accomplished Dolph Ludgren is . Now I just feel foolished for stereotyping him. A good lesson. My mother always said you can't judge a book by its cover. Thanks Dolph for the lesson in humility.

wow. i loved me some He-man and She-ra

Chezikeets, Arnold was ridiculed for his acting in "Conan...", few knew he had already amassed a fortune thru savvy real estate investing. Also a smart, ambitious man, but bodybuilders were still a joke to average American.

Chezikeets, You and your Mother are right on!

Player NormChop
Chezikeets, And an I Q of 160

Chezikeets, Fullbright scholar at MIT in chemical engineering. Dang!

Dolph "I must break you"
Stallone "Go for it"

I was in line at Show West(CinemaCom) in Vegas in the 80s. I thought it was to get posters and t-shirts but it turned out to take a picture with Dolph Lugren before he was in Rocky IV. When I went up to take a picture with him I asked who he was. The picture came out ok but he was pretty upset with me.

RankQuail5805, were you in shock when you learned He-man and She-ra were brother and sister? Twins in fact if I remember correctly...ah the 80s...

Guillermo Jr.
don't meet many Dolphs.
someone kinda ruined it..

Player SuzieCrmChees
Taranchalanche, his acting was mediocre in Conan, but my gawd what a body

Player #4874807
Never seen the film

Lynn Lynn💛😄
RankQuail5805, 15805 I feel you, I loved He--man too and man of honor lol

I had the biggest teenage crush on him!

You would think it was Arnold but I didn't believe he was in that movie.