What was the first drink that 007 ordered "shaken but not stirred" in the Bond films?
Correct answer: Vodka martini

The best Bond "Sean Connery"

Bond has a fictional Liver so it can't be damaged by alcoholism! lol

Player #32781936
I adore Sean Connery.
especially in leather boots & Tartan He was the most beautiful looking Man ever to grace the TV/Cinema screens.
Tall, Grey, handsome & a gorgeous voice.
R.I.P ❤️

Rest in peace Sean Connery, the best Bond ever.

Player Elf Counsel
NaxosAghiaAnna, No way! Ian Fleming would turn in his grave if he saw him. If you've read all the bookis you'll realise that after Sean Connery played him he actually introduced a Scottish background to his character which was never mentioned before.

tinahoopraj1234, Why don't people use capital letters for proper nouns any more?

RubyHero92396, I don’t know about a vodka martini, but I learned that you should never shake a gin martini because you can bruise the gin which ruins the drink.

How do they figure Bond drinks 13+ drinks a day?

kolven1 , because an olive makes a martini whereas a lime makes a gimlet.

Why on earth would you put an olive in a Martini

Player #125843019
Perfumella, to date the one and only

Player #125843019
Hoplea, rubbish he was a ham of an actor

shhaken not shtirred

Hoplea,Sean Connery is the one and only bond

Hoplea I wholeheartedly agree Sean Connery was the “BEST Bond hands down!!!

I Grew up watching Roger Moore as the" SAINT".It was hard to see him as "007"! and Val Kilmer was too short to be the SAINT. Rest in peace, SIR SEAN..

Sean Connery was a great bond too.

My favorite bond was Roger Moore

My favourite Bond and the best besides Roger Moore

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, too lazy

Player Bengal Mama
Player #32781936, He was in a Disney film when I was 11. I am seventy two now. He was my dear my darlin' one. His eyes so bright and full of fun, no other, no other was like my darlin' one.

Blooply, Ian Fleming only made Bond's father Scottish AFTER he had seen Sean Connery in the role.

Fossil5465, I must remember that...

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, because they are ignorant

Player #19165495
Player Elf Counsel, not quite true.
In the second to last book, You Only Live Twice, his Father was revealed to be Andrew Bond of Glencoe.

SJ Zenga is a winner
Never shake a Gin Martini. You disturb/agitate the botanicals. Fold the gin into the vermouth by stirring it in a ice-filled stirring jar. Drink within 7min. 🍸

* Seshati *
RubyHero92396, good point lol!

Hoplea, Daniel Craig is pretty great, too! ❤️

Player #5100533
Hoplea, One of his Best lines, from the Bond movies was: "So, Do you expect me to talk"??? "NO, Mr. Bond, I expect you to DIE"....

Player #5100533
MadMarcus1812, Also, he'd be Really OLD right about now...

Player #5100533
Hoplea, I like Pierce Brosnan second. he was a "cool dude" and those movies. but that's my opinion.