In which country is the Mithi River located?
Correct answer: India

Player #53553731, This is disgusting

the filth in the picture gave it away. how do people live like this.

Honestly, the only reason why I knew the answer was related to the fact that India has a severe pollution issue within every aspect of their country, sadly. Seeing this hurts my heart. My question is, why do the people of India does not care about the consequences of their actions? Would love to hear the answer to that question?

Player #93460997
My husband lived in India 9 months . A filthy disgusting place . He said a woman squatted defecated in the street when the urge took hold of her, used her hand to wipe shook off the excess, picked up her packages and kept going with hoards of people walking past .
No wonder the plague exists there. NIX Iis correct the picture gave it away

Delhi is the most polluted capital in the world. In villages around Delhi, children are suffering from stunted growth, liver diseases, cancer, and critical bone deformities. Runaway population growth, and rapid modernization are destroying this country.

Player #93460997, sounds like Progressive LA California

CyanJaguar62, have you been there yet,?

Liz , as I said not all parts of india are like this. the majority of india isnr eductaed. it's getting better though and I suspect in a decade or 2 it'll be a lot better. it's a country of 1.5b people, not an easy problem to solve

Much of India looks like this !! Whether it sounds mean or not, they are simply not a clean people and they are very intelligent so they know better and have no excuses. Some Indian people will steal grain from rats !! Does this tell you anything ????

Nix, Certainly not by choice. They are poor and uneducated.