According to the expression, revenge is a dish best served in which way?
Correct answer: Cold
The first thing I thought of when I saw this question was “Star Trek II, The Wrath of Kahn”.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
We do not get mad. We do not get even. We get one up! <efg>
Byrde Alpha Bitch
LillySparrow & Marcy, So much for your "loving God" huh?!
Byrde Alpha Bitch
J, Please submit some!
I was familiar with the phrase long before Wrath of Khan came out,
We should forgive them and forget, pray! Revenge belongs to God.
I heard Denzel Washington quote this in the movie Man On Fire
but let the Lord Jesus do the Vengeance for all we know we are not perfect
Revenge is best served cold. Also, revenge is sweet. Therefore, revenge is ice cream!
Cat Mom
I missed it & said hot
Can we have some Star Wars themed questions pleeese!!!! Lol
JoeJ., Big bang theory was my first thought. Sheldon to Wil Wheaton
Snance, So, did I😀
I thought about the tag line from Kill Bill.
Ah yes, the infamous line of Khan from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan of which he quoted: "Ah Kirk, my old friend, do you know the Klingon proverb that states revenge is a dish that is best served cold? It is very cold, in space."