What is Dr. Seuss's real name?
Correct answer: Theodor Seuss Geisel

Mama Crow
What a wonderful man! What a wonderful legacy!

kids love his books. they help them to use their imagination, develop creative writing and learn the concept of rhyming.

Player #14993519.
SneakyMole92698., ,,my hero too,,and I’m 74

Diver Dan, give it up. you think everyone's a racist or in unAmerican

I wholeheartedly agree with EVERYONEs feeling a great Man I still love the stories!!! I am 65

Gary, no, he was born in Springfield Mass. His Wikipedia page also says nothing about Detroit.

Frank oliveira
He was from Massachusetts there is a statue of him and a museum dedicated to him

Player #18400046
March 2 is my daughter’s birthday & also Texas Independence Day! I didn’t know that it was Dr Seuss’ birthday as 😃

Player #16607532
Actually, Green Eggs and Ham had only 50 words, not The Cat in the Hat

so much

Lottie Lilley-Coles
My favorite is

Its considered treason against the USA to not read his books.

SneakyMole92698., Read his books in grammar school, mostly FIRST EDITIONS...

He was from Detroit.

SneakyMole92698., I loved him all threw my child hood!!!

I love his books and I've been voting in presidential elections for over 35 years.