What is the significance of the rainbow as stated in Genesis 9:13-16?
Correct answer: Never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth

Whichever deity you choose to follow doesn't need to try and destroy the earth. We are doing a pretty good job ourselves.

Curious- does this mean that the rainbow never existed before that day? Science says that can’t be….

well yeah... but um...
it's raindrops and deflected sun rays... but yes!! amazingly beautiful and special..

It is a covenant between God and man that He would not flood the earth again.

Jonesy, people are destroying the earth not any deity

beautiful phenomenon. "alphabet mafia" I love it. Can I use that? Hilarious !!!

Monga 14
Marcy, By flood. Read Revelation to see how He destroys the evil in the end.

The rainbow has a light prism which affects this phenomenon

I love this! Yes just yesss

Player #144451136
But who wrote Genesis?

mukesh sharma.mahakall.b
good interesting question about my favourite powerful God bless me like welcome strongly believe life is God

The reason why God flooded the earth is because people were committed to much sin, and when the flood was stopped God made a promise to never flood the entire earth, therefore the rainbow is a promise God made to his people

It says in the bible the flood lasted 40 days and nights!

I love ❤️ rainbow 🌈

Piña (Kenzie)
God made the rainbow and it is a beautiful promise

I only knew this because of someone’s comment from an earlier question about rainbows. If I hadn’t read it I would not have got the answer correct as I have never heard this before

I love the rainbow bow & what it truly represents 🌈

ummm...I don't know 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Jonesy, 🙄 here we go

Carmelle, According to the Bible, there was no blue sky either. The ground was watered by a mist.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Monga 14, It is such a story killer to skip to the end before you are supposed to.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Mythologies/ faiths/ religions/ cults/ beliefs,/ etc. (pick a term you prefer, they are all interchangeable). It is Groovy to learn the different lores of old & new.

The atmosphere was different before the Flood. There was a sort of canopy around the earth. When the Flood happened, Genesis 7:11 says that "the windows of the heavens were opened." I'd recommend reading some articles about it. It's really interesting.

Queen of study
so easy question 😁👍👍

Player #27392991
a woolly mammoth was discovered fully frozen with food still in its mouth a sudden flood would cause a great change in temperature

Player #27392991
there are over 300 legends of the flood many by people. who never owned a bible

God make the rainbow