With what country's action did World War II start on September 1, 1939?
Correct answer: Germany invaded Poland

this is a quiz game. and it give people a chance to learn a little history. good or bad it still us history.

Princess 'M'
ALL wars are ugly. Win or lose casualties are inevitable.

LordlyCavalier54423, Let's not forget about Stalin either. He racked up his share of genocidal murders just for different criteria than Hitler. Scary part is History is not learned and the number of Dictators in the world is at an all time high with little chance of changing so this will not be the last of horrors to that scale to come

What a ugly vicious war!

LoopyLynda74, I agree there are too many Dictators today. I hope people wake up and stop chanting things that are so like other times in history when horrific things happened!

Wow, so many people didn’t get this question right. Yes it’s history, but very important history. I had quite a few family members that fought in WWII.

They state the end of WWII as “May of ‘45”. That ended the European portion of the war but the Pacific war (Japan) continued into the fall of ‘45.

FRANCE INVADED GERMANY?! You who picked that answer need to go back to school or watch the history channel

Uniquely vicious were the systematic methods used to get rid of anyone AH didn't like. There were many first time lows for humankind, tho gassing in batches is the most cold. Genocide was not new, of course.

SirFartsALot, The original saying goes: "lf you want peace, you must prepare for war" meaning to always be alert and ready to defend your life.

little b
I've not been to Germany or Poland

MALICE, I wouldn't look to the History channel for history anymore. With all their focus on aliens and shapeshifters, they have made themselves into a joke.

Men and their bloody massive egos cause wars!

Player #130998363
Iran sent 300plus drones to Israel last night. 99 percent were stopped by US and Israel.4/14/24

Russia invaded Poland on September 17, 1939!

It was an ugly day for a lot of people, and an devastating war for the world.

LoopyLynda74, Stalin killed 3 times as many people as Hitler in his gulags (starvation camps).

Markie, or couple years before when Hitler annected Austria

( Snail Darter), it is true. as a Polish, I must know history of my country

Player #1885508, you knowledge surprised me. Well done

LoopyLynda74, I agree puking Putin is as bad if not worse as other Dictators, his greed and obsession is obscene his insanity, is causing so much suffering both at home and the Ukraine and globally for others. He is one of the four tyrants our world is faced with.

Katy Jo, question was “With what country’s action did WWII start on September 1st 1939”…not when did the U.S. enter the war. The war was already old when the U.S. got involved.

j fn b
( Snail Darter), they split poland into two that was the plan. USSR did invade Poland just 2 weeks later.

j fn b
Gonzod, yes it is Gonzod the Germans invaded Poland. land that was not theirs but stolen before by them.

actually if you want to be real WWII began in March of 33 or 34 when China was invaded by Japan

LoopyLynda74, stalin is actually number one hated man in the world, Adoft Hitler number two, according to a world wide survey few years ago, Stalin starved whole towns to death in his own country, some leader, he was.

This is to mark my invasion in the comment section on September 1st.

War is a way of life. population will decrease by war or disease there is no changing that fact. I prefer the former as more controlled.

And look what's happening now with Russia invading Ukraine. The parallels with WWII are frightening

Katy Jo
Meeker, We didn't enter WWII until after the bombing of Pearl harbor! Dec 7th 1941! So different times for different countries!

Phoenix 1000
My late Father served as an aircraft technician 👍

One of the mans face looks really weird. 😂

Princess 'M', not all wars are ugly look up the whisky war

( Snail Darter), Hitler and Stalin agreed to partition Poland as part of their non-agression pact. which Hitler violated

Player #45375596
What 😳

Nerijus Adomaitis
why nobody is talking, that WW II has Russia together with Germany begin? :(

Olga Sorochinska
Germany and Soviet Union invaded Poland

Actually, World War 2 ended on September 3rd, 1945 when the Japanese signed a declaration to surrender, on the U.S. Navy ship MISSOURI.

Player #38500784
the dark side of the human race ! unfortunately it hasn't gone its just changed its face

of course it's a global war coz it's a WORLD War!