For how many days did the Berlin Wall stand as a barrier in the German capital?

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Before you tell me capitalism is the bane of our existence, first answer this question; when the Berlin wall fell, who ran to which side?
shellawk, East over to west, this is long settled history, its obvious capitalism produces prosperity,and socialism produces poverty!
I remember the horror of when it went up. People were dying, trying to leave communism. I never thought I would live to see it come down. Many German families were separated for all those years and happy to be able to see their relatives.
Tigress , I live with people who manned the Wall. please understand, a lot of 'normal' people. Very, very scared that they would be hurt.
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
Tigress , thank Ronald Reagan, who brought down the wall and ended the Cold War without firing a shot.
Bigkev, I lived in Poland during Communism and I know what it's like under that system.
Player #107789144
Player #107789144
Tigress , I remember when the Wall came down… it was a glorious sight!! Saw it on TV News.