What major event in the United States started the "Great Depression" of 1929?
Correct answer: U. S Stock Market Crash

My great grandfather lost all his money during that time. He never forgot it and managed to amass the majority of it back. However it scarred him deeply, because he was very attentive of how he handled his funds after that.

He who does not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. I have been feeling condemned for oh, about the last year and a half.

Chezikeets, the problem with history is that it is written and remembered by the people who in general, win. That said, we will always be doomed to repeat it because we never get the full story, and without all perspectives there is no way for us to not be doomed.

Guzzi Gal, most people need to know that it wasnt just the market crashing that caused this. It was 4 major world events that happened at the same time that contributed to the market crashing.

Player #9400298 lilt
well folks...I am sighning off for now. This was my first time on here playing trivia. I began this morning 6ish. Still managed to work as well. be safe all and God bless us all. right? Been a pleasure to learn all I have today. not be so alone. nice company.

Player #22812155
God didn't intend on humans to work until they died, only looking at how kings and queens lived people idolize the feeling of no worries with money ,not remembering we all have a mansion in the sky through the blood of Jesus Christ , Amen?

BookLover8492, you are on the right track. when times are good people use credit recklessly. the stock market crashed because so many had so much on margin. once the stocks started falling margin calls kicked in. we now have regulations to help prevent it from happening again.

Chezikeets, It is a very true statement. Yet, students today are barely taught any history. This is very regrettable in today's political environment. To me, the U. S. Is dangerously close to repeating history. Research past articles from the Washington Post.

Player #3005038
My dad's father was a veterinarian during that time. He did allot of bartering r services rendered.

alot of it had to with the widespread habit of buying in credit and not paying back enough, if not at all

LuvDove, good for him

Chezikeets, I don't know where anybody lives,but haven't we all????

Dark Chocolate
Most likely will happen again 🤔

Eric the red
Angela , the problem with christians is that they are never christ like.

Player #9400298 lilt, thank u, that made my day, god bless u too!

the stock market crash did not start the Great Depression. The market adjustment was natural as always.

And now we owe almost $36 TRILLION because of that same government. fake wars, supporting Israeli terrorists, arming Palestine in September 2023, then lying about dead babies as an excuse to drop bombs on children sleeping in tents.

Glamorous G
I gotta be in a great depression of 2024

Lady Elaine
wayner88, which 4 events?

Crazy Grandma
My dad and his siblings and parents lived through that. He was 4 years old. His dad was a Preacher in Texas but The Great Depression starved them out. They moved to NM and stayed where my sisters and I were born. He told me how they made their own soap from pig fat and lye and made their own sauerkraut. My dad and his siblings would go pick cotton to help their parents make it. I don't know how they still went to school. It was a harsh time.

not2old2rock, credit cards weren't in existance until after WWII. before then, it was a tab kept at the store. no bank was involved.

My parents lived thru the Great Depression. My mother said they moved frequently because her father couldn't pay the rent. They lived very frugally watching every penny and never wasting anything. This life style helped me and my husband survive many years of minimal income while raising our children.

Chezikeets, there is nothing new under the sun.

orisia1979, absolutely. so true. If you haven't already heard of it, I highly recommend A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn.

Player #22812155, only thing these days is people do believe they have to an really do until they can make it to their great rest in the sky bc if not world we live in now will not help take care of them until then

how are so many people getting this wrong! wth

Wade, people learned resilience.

I'm glad that I didn't live during the Great Depression. The stock market crashed but people lost their lives during this time too. America is very fortunate to not have a repeat. Recessions seem to happen often though.

Player #22812155, you are so correct with that comment.

Chezikeets, agreed

Player #9400298 lilt, so sad the suffering

Centenarian, because common sense is not common

Christendale, that's a great question. I would like to know also.

Andy Capp, our government doesn't care about us they are corrupt. We need honest Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. I vote JESUS for Everything then it will be done Right...

KeyedUp, you are so right. True trust is JESUS... He will never leave or forsake us in any way. Amen to my God...

SparkyChaz2018, we need to keep history going it is important

Player #22812155, I will take the mansion in the sky any day over all the mansions or 💰 money in this abusive and corrupt world. JESUS!!! PERFECT LIGHT AND LOVE... I am ready to have no more pain, sorrow, diseases, hatred, or any other messed up things. JUST JESUS...

Player #9400298 lilt, God bless and until next time

wayner88, very tough and frightening times.

orisia1979, corrupt people make a corrupt world
not enough common sense. We need trust, kindness, compassion, respect, responsibility, and love. WE NEED [JESUS ]!!!