What are chemical weed killers called?
Correct answer: Herbicides

Memestiff, your right and I would rather loose a few tomatoes or have a little bug bites on them instead of consuming poison

There are also organic herbicides.

I murdered a head of lettuce for salad today...

One person's weed is another's medicine. As a journeyman herbalist, I've seen this.

Player. Ty
Anybody that's worried about Dandelions,,, You have too much Time on your Hands!
Your not going to stop them no matter much POISON💀 you dump in the ground, Hit them with the Lawn Mower and deal with it. It's NATURE!

* Seshati *
Player. Ty, also dandelions are edible all parts or do I’ve heard & good flowers for butterflies etc

I keep my dandelions, and refrain from mowing too early, as dandelions are one of the first food sources for bees.

Player #22261049
Ruby, nice to know someone else cares about nature.

Player #25874027
Player. Ty,
I vacuum the seeds off as they are mature and are ready to fly .
Looks weird but over the years it works wonders

Giggle pig
arohanui, well, you’re not gonna live forever no matter how hard you try.

we tend to forget that what we spray on the ground or on plants growing in the ground will seep down into the water table and at some point end up in our water taps.

I just love that one of the options is Homicide 😆

Player #2512936
Buy some insects. I Feed feral Cats. There were so many flies and insects that it needed a solution. I checked The Internet, Discovered "Nature's Good Guys". They recommend Lady Bugs. I bought a Bag of 1500, released them, after a Week, No flies and few modquitoes.

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Thanks for the tip Ruby. Better than poison for the environment. 😎

but it is called weedicides

11 years of pest control and lawn and shrub care with my hubby, no way I could get this wrong!

I recently read that weed killer is used in oat products. I haven't bought any since then.

MuscularDemigod69239, True. Monsanto are going to be sued so much they best like morons probably declare bankcruptcy.