Where in a man's body is his 'Adam's Apple'?
Correct answer: Throat

I think the name came because the Adam's Apple looks like an apple in some men's throats.

Giggle pig
And they are very visible no matter what you do. Therefore we will always know.

Hunger Knowledge
Some women have 🍏 as well, I call them Eve's 🍏

Right in the middle of the throat!

SkyEagle, 👍

Well, I imagine that when Eve gave Adam the forbidden fruit - let's assume it was an apple, perhaps half of it got stuck in his throat. And when their Almighty Creator came, after admonishing them, they got sent out of Heaven. They tumbled down to earth and into human bodies. And Adam had a bulge in his throat, that he would pass down through his bloodline, to remind all mankind about the forbidden fruit.